Hot Flash Mama Podcast
Menopause doesn’t have to be miserable. Fast solutions to your biggest problems!
Anti-Aging Tips and Tricks for Today’s Menopausal Woman!
Questions? Email me at thehotflashmama@gmail.com.
Join Our FaceBook Community! https://www.facebook.com/groups/454749240028269/?ref=share&mibextid=S66gvF.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not meant to take the place of professional medical help. If you have any questions, please contact your doctor. Before starting any nutritional or health program, always consult a health professional or your doctor.
I may get compensation through some of the links provided, so if you use them, THANK YOU so much for your support! ((hugs))
18 episodes
5 Tips for Weight Loss in Menopause
If your struggling to lose weight during menopause, check this out! Also check out www.hotflashmamapodcast.com Remember that you're not alone! In this informative podcast, we share effective strategies to help you shed those ...

Weight Gain, Brain Fog, Hot Flashes, Mood Swings! Know the Cause!!!
Have you been struggling with Menopausal Symptoms? Weight Gain, Hot Flashes, Night Sweats, Brain Fog and so many more~you just want HELP? Today’s show may be all you have been praying for….ANSWERS!!! Just KNOW the Cause!Doug Kauf...

Cleansing 101~Do I Really Need To Cleanse?
There are so many cleanses to choose from! Learn HOW to know if you need a cleanse and WHERE to start if you do! WHAT are the cleansing options! thehotflashmama@gmail.comFollow on IG @hotflashmamapodcast https://www.i...

Is It Brain Fog or Something Else? #Menopause
Brain Fog in Menopause!Brain Fog, Forgetfulness , Menopause or Digital Dementia? Brain Fog can come from so many reasons other than just menopause. It’s really important to figure out what the cause is and the Solutions!!!!!

What's Keeping You UP At Night~Menopause or Exhausted Adrenal Glands?
Is it Menopause or Exhausted AdrenalsAre you up in the middle of the night unable to go back to sleep? Mind racing, anxiety and hair loss? Try thinking Adrenal glands! Here are a few symptoms and SOLUTIONS! thehotflash...

You NEED to Hear This Story, Everyone Has Addictions! Dr. Robb Kelly
This episode is so good! If you or someone you love struggles with any kind of addiction, please share :)Dr. Robb Kelly, PhD is a sought-after recovery expert who believes in treating the causes of addiction and not the symp...

Natural Menopause Relief! Try this 1 Thing!
Who doesn’t want natural relief from menopausal symptoms PLUS anti-aging benefits?Sheila Angeletti is founder of Menopause Tips, Tricks and Natural Remedies Facebook group and cofounder of the Amazing Cool Lady Supplements.&nb...

Oily Skin/Hair & Energy and Sleep Tips!
Your Questions Answered!Today I’m answering a couple of your questions regarding more energy and oily skin and hair!thehotflashmama@gmail.comIG @hotflashmamapodcastOmega 3 Fish Oil

Make the Most of Life NOW! With Kristin Fitch
Learn how to make the most out of the next chapter in your life! Starting over or just ready for something new, check out today's video!Join Kristin Fitch, a Transformational Life & Leadership Coach, Joy Cultivator and Fa...

Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss, Anti-Aging and MORE Energy!!!!
Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss, Anti-Aging and MORE Energy!!!Curious about IF or a pro, find out more on this weeks podcast! Fast. Feast. Repeat. KINDLE https://amzn.to/48...

3 AMAZING (CHEAP) Anti-Aging Tips You NEED~ Right Now!!
3+ GREAT and CHEAP Anti-Aging Tips YOU need to Start Right NOW!If AGING has got you down, try these super cheap tips TODAY! Thank you so much for your support! Questions, comments or podcast ideas to

Incontinence, Fatigue, PMS, Bio-Identical HRT and Tingling Extremities Final 5 Questions
Incontinence, Fatigue, PMS, Bio-Identical HRT and Tingling Extremities Final 5 QuestionsAny questions or comments, please reach out at thehotflashmama@gmail.comWhat Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause Book Li...

Weight Gain, Hairy Chins/Thinning Hair, Menopausal Moments (Brain Fog) and Bone loss, Part 3 of 4 Top Questions!
Weight Gain, Hairy Chins/Thinning Hair, Menopausal Moments (Brain Fog) and Bone loss If you are suffering with any of these symptoms, I can’t wait for you to listen to this weeks episode! There are so many fun (Whoop!) Symptoms that...

Reduced Libido, Mood Changes, Insomnia ~ Part 2 of 4 Most asked Questions
Part 2 of a 4 part series on Peri-Menopause/Menopause symptoms. Do you have trouble falling asleep at night? Maybe you don’t have a problem falling asleep but staying asleep? Are mood changes driving you “crazy”????&nbs...

Hot Flashes, Night Sweats, Vaginal Dryness! Top Questions Regarding Menopause Part 1
Part 1 of the Top 20 Most Asked Questions Regarding Peri-Menopause and MenopauseHot Flashes, Night Sweats, Vaginal Dryness! If you are suffering with any of these symptoms, I can’t wait for you to listen to this weeks episod...

Anti Aging And Menopause, 5 TOP Tips for RESULTS!
During peri-menopause most of us start to really notice the aging process, once you are in menopause, well…... YUK! Like, we don’t have enough to deal with already, right?! With hormone fluctuations and decreasing hormone pro...

CONSTIPATION is serious Sh!t!!! Fix it NOW!
#2 Everybody PoopsWhat would you expect from the #2 podcast to be but about but #2! (Don’t worry, you will get my humor eventually!) Everybody poops, I mean, imagine what would happen if they didn’t!! I personally struggled ...

Introduction: OH NO! Menopause AGAIN????? I have been in Menopause TWICE!
This is a great place to start! This will give you a little history on why I am doing this podcast and what to expect, short but sweet. I hope you enjoy and share it with other “Hot Flash Mamas”!!!Please email any questions, comments or...
Episode 1